Thursday, September 3, 2020

HRM cast study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HRM cast study - Essay Example One of the perspectives that will thwart the effective conveyance of Ralph’s system is his father’s impact on the executives of the business. As observed from his administration of the organization, William consistently enjoys his thoughts executed. From the data gave, Ralph fears that his dad may question the methodology. Placing into thought the ground-breaking position he holds, that of the seat to the organization, William’s protest of the technique will be powerful fair and square of its prosperity. Another territory that may ruin the conveyance of this procedure is the job of the staff in the detailing of the methodology. An effective procedure ought to be drawn from the numerous choices made by staff individuals over some undefined time frame (Epstein 2004, p.24). Once incorporated, this system will mirror the perspectives on the staff. Taking into account that it is similar staffs that will be required to actualize it, the degree of accomplishment of such a technique will be relied upon to be high should they be associated with system plan. This isn't the situation, be that as it may, with the technique embraced by Random Alloys. The overseeing executive, without consolidating all staff individuals, planned the methodology. As showed by the individuals from staff in their comments in the surveys, there is an inclination among staff individuals that they are excluded from any progressions made in the organization. The staff are possibly included when the progressions are occur ring. Absence of an away from of data inside the organization can likewise prevent the degree of accomplishment of its conveyance (Alston and Bryson 2013, p.145). Right now, Random Alloys does not have a characterized recipe through which data is imparted to individuals from staff. This leaves staff individuals searching for data they need from just those they know in the different workplaces. Absence of lucidity on who assembles and gives data inside the organization will mean false impressions during the usage of the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Utopian Society The Giver Essay Example For Students

Idealistic Society The Giver Essay What might your life resemble in an idealistic culture? Jonas recognizes what it resembles. He has lived in one for a long time. At twelve years old he is picked to be the Receiver. + Through the exposition one will know about the recollections Jonas gotten, the consequences of the recollections, and the shrewdness he picked up because of the recollections. Recollections assume a significant job in The Giver. For instance, this is the first memory Jonas got: Then he shuddered. He understood that the bit of the hands felt, out of nowhere cold. At a similar moment, taking in, he felt the air change, and his very breath was cold.(p.80) This was the memory of a sled ride in the day off. In spite of the fact that this memory is glad, as the book proceeds with he acknowledged recollections arent all cheerful. Results assume a significant job in the end and what makes The Giver end the manner in which it does. This is the point at which a significant change in the connection between Jonas and the Giver happens: The Giver turned away as though he proved unable bear to perceive what he had done to Jonas. Excuse me, he said.(p.120) After this occurred Jonas began to change and to understand a great deal of things. Consequently, a few outcomes are certain, yet additionally some are negative. We will compose a custom paper on Utopian Society The Giver explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Shrewdness is the last subject talked about in the exposition. Jonas learns a great deal and gets more astute all through the book. It is anything but difficult to see astuteness through his activities that follow: Methodically Jonas hacked the fish in to pieces with a sharp stone and took care of the crude shreds to himself and Gabriel.(p.173) This occasion occurred after Jonas took Gabriel and fled. As a result of the circumstance he confronted, Jonas had no real option except to depend on his shrewdness. In an idealistic culture ones life wouldnt truly be his own. Nobody truly has an actual existence or opportunity in an idealistic culture. Through recollections, Jonas taken in a great deal. The aftereffects of the recollections gave him shrewdness. The knowledge Jonas picked up helped him and Gabriel endure. Of all the three subjects talked about, knowledge assumes the greatest job of all. English Essays .

Friday, August 21, 2020

Styles in Professional Wrestling Essay Example For Students

Styles in Professional Wrestling Essay Proficient wrestling is, and will consistently be, one the chief social, engaging scenes in our general public. The veiled luchadore, the 500 pound hairball, even the excellent valets at ringside. The glamour, the allure, and the spotlight. Each man that means in the ring knows their obligation; to act before limit swarms while encompassing each fan in the stands with an enthusiasm and normal for self-esteem. The consolation that even in our current reality where entropy appears to be bound to live, the great will consistently win. The on-screen characters and writers in the show detonate through the camera utilizing different various procedures or styles, which present each as having a â€Å"unique† quality to them. These aesthetic styles can be ordered into one of the accompanying classes: Technical, Lucha Libre or High-Flying, and Ground Grappling. We will compose a custom paper on Styles in Professional Wrestling explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Until the break of 1980, wrestling was fundamentally a major man’s game. Sheer quality and power controlled the ring, driving littler grapplers to take the additional jump to make a name for them. The genuine primary eventers were the Bruno Sammartinos, and the Bob Backlunds, and Killer Kowalskis. Men like Bret†Hitman†Hart, Tito Santana, Ricky Steamboat, and the â€Å"Macho King†Randy Savage needed to add greater fervor to their style because of the absence of solidarity. What they would devise turned into the most well known ring structure for more than 15 years. Specialized wrestling is best described by quicker, moving showdowns with continuance as far as possible. A decent specialized grappler, for example, Bret Hart, will utilize a progression of quick paced moves that don’t take a lot of solidarity yet rather his opponents’ force. He will utilize the ropes to give him more speed yet he isn’t cumbersome on the bounce back. Heâ€℠¢s snappy to counter pretty much anything and he certainly isn’t scared of taking his assault to the following level, for example, climbing the turnbuckles. He will face challenges yet he can normally get to second and third breezes when continuance turns into an issue. The specialized grappler has a sharp feeling of his general condition, and in light of the fact that he is constantly ready he as a rule ends up controlling the circumstance. Lucha Libre in Spanish methods, â€Å"free fight.† And in the wrestling scene it is only that, a â€Å"free fight.† The possibility of high-flying was first acknowledged in Mexico and Japan and turned into a hot ware in the mid-90’s. Beating your adversary utilizing the most high-chance moves allowed the lighter grapplers to battle with the greatest stars. A high-flyer is best characterized as a grappler who spends in any event 80% of the match noticeable all around, on the turnbuckles, and in the ring utilizing quick developments. Increasing speed in the assault turns out to be essentially indispensable to his resistance. A flyer can for the most part be put out of the match with one horrendous blow or catch move. He will risk his own body to create all the more rebuffing moves. The Lucha Libre fine art has no uncertainty overwhelmed America and has become the most energizing style utilized in the ring. Men like the Killer Bees, the Rockers, and the late incredi ble Owen Hart built up a style that has risen above and is being copied by today’s Rey Mysterio Jr., Billy Kidman, the Hardy Boyz, and potentially the best grappler ever, Shawn Michaels. The following style is the Grapple or Ground/Mat Wrestling. Best exhibited and regularly utilized by grapplers, whom have immense measures of solidarity, the Grapple structure can be extremely fitting. This is the style that really got the groups consideration from the mid 1930’s, when wrestling was as yet a child, to about the mid-to-late 1970’s. Folks like The previously mentioned Sammartino and Andre the Giant started their famous world title rules utilizing straight on power moves. They would demolish their resistance with an anger of hard hits to the head. At that point when everything looked good, they could use such moves as the Suplex, and Bearhug to polish them off. In today’s ring, truth to be informed that it is a lot harder to discover the â€Å"Supermen† of the 60’s. The more youthful folks have assumed control over the game with an assortment of developments and top turnbuckle moves. Along these lines, the energy once felt from a 350 p ound heavyweight dropping his adversary with a clothesline is only not there. Today, even the greatest folks in the ring (which by the path are more than 500 and 600 pounds) are the fastest and generally lithe. They as a rule utilize this obscure snappiness to dissect a confounded adversary. Rikishi, otherwise called Fatu the Samoan, is unmistakably more than 400 pounds but he despite everything scales to the top rope and his additionally adaptable even to execute a Superkick. The place that is known for the goliath has weakened indeed, but since the monster can adjust to the evolving structures, he can at present rule. .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .postImageUrl , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:hover , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:visited , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:active { border:0!important; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:active , .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content improvement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f 80c14b997f01 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u32ff676251e2fc570b1f80c14b997f01:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet Reflections EssaySo there you have it. The wrestling scene is brimming with new and extraordinary things. Indeed, even at this very moment, wrestling is continually evolving. With the pay raise and agreements, behind the stage governmental issues have ascended to an unsurpassed high, making it so extremely indispensable that every grappler Whether you’re a specialized grappler or a high-flyer; if you’re a ground grappler or a grappler who likes claim to fame matches, for example, weapons and passing matches; the goal is consistently the equivalent: to become famous so you know in your heart that each fan in partic ipation has paid for a ticket just to see you perform for them. The energy is the place it was 20 years prior, if not more at this point. You’ll simply need to continue checking out observe which course and which styles come to fruition in the ever-changing universe of expert wrestling. List of sources:

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Latino Developmen Of Type - Free Essay Example

Abstract The objective of the research proposal in this paper is to analyze the development of type two diabetes in Latinos born in the United States, and/ or living in the United States for 3-5 years, and how it compares to the development of type two diabetes in Latinos born/ living outside the United States. Type two diabetes is described by the American Diabetes Association as follows, [when] your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. [T]he pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. But, over time your pancreas isnt able to keep up and cant make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal. Type 2 is treated with lifestyle changes, oral medications (pills), and insulin. A solution will be proposed accordance with the findings of how lifestyle choices based on birthplace enable or prohibit the development of type two diabetes. The research methods used will be utilizing the Arizona State University Online Library Data-Base to find primary sources as well as other well credited online secondary resources, and research papers, to gather information needed for the analysis. The class text Health Issues in the Latino Community will also be used as a source for information research. Introduction It is well known amongst many Latino families that diabetes, specifically type two diabetes, is a disease that afflicts many families, and the Center for Disease Control (The CDC) says that as much as up to 50% if Latinos are likely to die due to diabetes, when compared to a white person. The CDC has also noticed that it makes a difference if a Latino person was born in the United States, or outside of the United States. It can be hypothesized that the disease would be prevalent in America, where dietary habits/ nutrition issues are a known problem, and an academic journal/ review by Sim?n Barquera, et al. entitled, Collaborative research and actions on both sides of the US-Mexico border to counteract type 2 diabetes in people of Mexican origin makes this hypothesis one of the research points the article focuses on. A quote from the article that demonstrates this can be seen here: Diverse factors have been hypothesized to underlie these vulnerabilities [to diabetes], including genetic susceptibility, perinatal conditions including malnutrition and breast-feeding practices, adverse dietary and lifestyle patterns related to acculturation (high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, processed foods and low physical activity), food insecurity and lower socioeconomic status, poor access to health services, receipt of poor quality healthcare services, communication barriers (such as limited literacy and limited English proficiency) [19, 20] and sub-optimal adherence to treatment recommendations. The root of the diabetes epidemic in the United States seems to be theoretically based on acculturation and healthcare access barriers, the next hypothesis would be to test if these common factors affect those across the border as much as it does to us in the US? Literature review of Diabetes research in Mexico and the US Mexicans that originate from Mexico have statistically lower rates of documented diabetes in the US, however this is in part due to the state of public health in Mexico is drastically different from that of the United States. According to the CDC, in an online web page titled, Vital Signs/ Hispanic Health published May 2015, Compared with US-born Hispanics, foreign-born Hispanics have: About half as much heart disease; 48% less cancer; 29% less high blood pressure; 45% more high total cholesterol. Meanwhile a quote from the Sim?n Barquera journal review describes the state of health in Mexico as such, While age-standardized death rates per 100,000 inhabitants due to T2D and cardiovascular diseases are similar in the US and Mexico (248.7 vs 199.9 /100,000 inhabitants), T2D mortality is much higher in Mexico (69.2 vs 16.6 /100,000 inhabitants) [5]. T2D has been increasing in Mexico since the 1980s and has become the leading cause of all-age mortality since 2000 [7]. Without having an average diet to examine for either group, it is be difficult to infer what specific lifestyle changes cause the increase in diabetes in Latinos. The affect of acculturation upon moving to the US has been mentioned in both the Barquera text, and the Health Issues in the Latino Community chapter written by Jose Alejandro Luchsinger, which is quoted as saying, Less acculturated Latinos were more likely to eat fruits, rice, beans, meat, fried foods, and whole milk than more acculturated Latinos. This change in diet attributed to acculturation, can be possibly connected to the ever-rising cost of living overall in the United States which creates a healthcare barrier for Latinos to avoid type 2 diabetes. Latinos born in the United States are born into a world of cheap unhealthy food, and even more food that advertises itself as healthy, but in reality, is no more nutritional than the alternative. The United States has also made efforts to help their Latino population diagnose and treat their diabetes with the National Diabetes Surveillance System. According to the United States Census Bureau official website, a population estimate for the year of 2017, published July 1st of that year, claimed that the total population of the United States was about 325,719,178 (about 325.7 million) people, and about 18.1% of the population are documented as Hispanic or Latino origin.[D] This 18.1% of Latinos are the population most likely to be acculturated into United States culture, and arguably the biggest contributor to diabetes in the United States culture is the Standard American Diet (SAD). The Standard American Diet (also called the Western Pattern Diet (WPD)) is described in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition as, a modern dietary pattern that is generally characterized by high intakes of red meat, processed meat, pre-packaged foods, butter, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, eggs, refined grains, potatoes, corn (and High-fructose corn syrup) and high-sugar drinks.[E] The consumption of these processed, fried, and prepackaged foods results in weight gain, especially during early childhood, to the point of obesity and pre-diabetes. Research journals which support this thesis, published by their respective individuals Kant (2004), Drewnowski (2007), and Yang (2012), state the following in relation to consumption of foods in the Standard American Diet: [F, G, H] There is a positive correlation between a Western pattern diet and several plasma biomarkers that may be mediators of obesity, such as HDL cholesterol, fasting insulin, and leptin.[F] Relative to a diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, and fish, a Western diet is associated with increased risk of being overweight among adolescents.[H] Meta-analyses have also shown that, compared to a healthy diet, a Western pattern diet is linked to increased weight gain among females.[G] This affects acculturated Latinos who may already have a genetic predisposition to diabetes, as processed foods exist everywhere, even in food insecure areas. Fast food is cheap and convenient, and many fast food restaurants even have a lower-budget menu to service those families that have lower incomes. Many prepackaged foods sold in grocery stores are processed to point that the original components of the food had to be re-fortified with nutrients in order to be considered healthy. A healthy diet is no easier to attain; a healthy diet is defined by Lean (2015) and the World Health Organization (2004) as a diet that helps to maintain or improve overall health. A healthy diet provides the body with essential nutrition: fluid, macronutrients, micronutrients, and adequate calories.[L] and a healthy diet is not complicated and contains mostly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and includes little to no processed food and sweetened beverages.[K] So why arent Latinos buying these whole foods instead of processed foods? A possible explanation can be found in an online article written by Claypoole, in this article Claypoole explains that there is a price barrier that is at play: Produce is perishable. In fact, about 20 percent of all apples, oranges, lettuce and other fresh fruits and vegetables must be thrown away before even reaching shelves, according to Daily Finance. As a result, produce markups average 50 to 75 percent. Markup on products such as berries, which are easily bruised and have a short shelf life, may range even higher. And these price barriers to healthy food could be overcome, despite the markups many whole foods still remain affordable to those with even minimum wage paying jobs, however in the research journal published by Towers, there are also psychological barriers that have arisen Though the Latino participants found diet to be an important determinant of their risk for diabetes, they found their own diet to be less changeable than did their European American counterparts. The shared belief in the importance of diet accompanied by a difference in belief in the changeability of diet in their own lives suggests the presence of a perceived barrier to dietary changes specific to Latinos This effect can be magnified for Latinas, who have been cited as being less likely to make dietary changes to reduce diabetes risk in an effort not to inconvenience their families dietary habits (Carbone, Rosal, Torres, Goins, Bermudez, 2007). There is not as much immediately available information about the standard diet of Mexican people in Mexico, however the cost of living difference can allow one to infer that the majority of the immigrant population is most likely not making enough to eat take out every day. In an article written by Christopher Woody (2015), they explains that: The gap in wealth and in wages is visible across Mexicos economic strata. According to OECD figures, the countrys richest 10% earn more than 30 times what the poorest 10% make making it the most unequal of the organizations 34 countries. Mexicos bottom 20% doesnt make enough to eat three meals a day. That same year, the bottom 20% of Mexicans nearly 25 million people were worth an average of $80. Mexico has made multiple efforts on the national level to combat diabetes within the population, even giving its people who may not have healthcare opportunities as Barquera et al. (2018) explain, A number of national prevention policies have been implemented to curb the T2D epidemic in Mexico. Some of the more notable ones are 1) the 5 Pasos (Five Steps) national program in the 2006â€Å"2012 administration 2) the national healthy hydration recommendations, 3) healthy nutrition guidelines for the school environment, 4) a national agreement for healthy nutrition (2010), which subsequently became a national policy (2013), 5) the Ch ©cate, m ­dete, muvete (Check yourself, test yourself, and move) national program and 6) a national 10% excise tax on soda and sugar-sweetened beverages, which has been demonstrated to yield a substantial reduction in consumption and potential health benefits [8, 25â€Å"28]. The United States has also made efforts through to help Latinos overcome healthcare barriers and become more aware of diabetes and diagnosing those who may not know they already have the disease, as Barquera et al. (2018) go on to say: While not solely intended as a policy-level intervention to reduce the burden of T2D among Mexican-Americans, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 (Obamacare) has made early diagnosis and management of T2D more accessible for Mexican-Americans in California. The first five years of the program yielded a reduction in the uninsured Hispanic-Americans from 26 to 16%. By comparison, among non-Hispanic whites, rates fell from 14 to 10% over the same time period. Conclusion The diabetes epidemic affects people on both sides of the border of the US and Mexico. While in the US there are multiple causes that require further examination, and preventative action by the United States government, the causes of diabetes in Mexico are not as clear. The most likely explanation is diet, and the Mexican government has taken multiple steps in creating programs to help their people become aware of what dietary patterns might be contributors to diabetes. Latinos who have become acculturated in the United States may have fallen into a pattern of eating unhealth foods, while not having access to health care. In response the US has made programs directed at Latinos such as the affordable care act in order to erase this barrier. References American Diabetes Association. Facts about Type 2. 2018 Barquera, S., Schillinger, D., Aguilar-Salinas, C. A., Et Al. (2018). Collaborative Research and Actions on Both Sides of the US-Mexico Border to Counteract Type 2 Diabetes in People of Mexican Origin, 1-10. Retrieved October 07, 2018, from L., ,., Agne, A. A., A. K., Pavela, G., Carson, A. P., . . . Cherrington, A. L. ((2018)). Diabetes risk scores for Hispanics living in the United States: A systematic review. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 142(120), 129th ser., 1-10. Retrieved October 09, 2018, from Towers, M. J. (n.d.). Evaluating Social Influence in Health: Diabetes Assessments among Latinos. Retrieved October 09, 2018, from Vital Signs Hispanic Health. (2015, May 05). Retrieved October 08, 2018, from Marilyn Aguirre-Molina;Carlos W. Molina;Ruth Enid Zambrana. Health Issues in the Latino Community (Public Health/Vulnerable Populations) (Kindle Location 30). Kindle Edition. D U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: UNITED STATES. (n.d.). Retrieved from E Halton, Thomas L; Willett, Walter C; Liu, Simin; Manson, JoAnn E; Stampfer, Meir J; Hu, Frank B (2006). Potato and french fry consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes in women. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 83 (2): 284â€Å"90. PMID 16469985 F Kant, Ashima K. (2004). Dietary patterns and health outcomes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 104 (4): 615â€Å"635. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2004.01.010. G Drewnowski, Adam (2007-01-01). The Real Contribution of Added Sugars and Fats to Obesity. Epidemiologic Reviews. 29 (1): 160â€Å"171. doi:10.1093/epirev/mxm011. ISSN 0193-936X. H Yang, Wai Yew; Williams, Lauren T; Collins, Clare; Swee, Chee Winnie Siew (2012). The relationship between dietary patterns and overweight and obesity in children of Asian developing countries: A Systematic Review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 10 (58): 4568â€Å"4599. doi:10.11124/jbisrir-2012-407. I Cordain, Loren; Eaton, S. Boyd; Sebastian, Anthony; Mann, Neil; Lindeberg, Staffan; Watkins, Bruce A.; OKeefe, James H.; Brand-Miller, Janette (2005-02-01). Origins and evolution of the Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 81 (2): 341â€Å"354. doi:10.1093/ajcn.81.2.341. ISSN 0002-9165. PMID 15699220. J Claypoole, Cheryl. (n.d.). How Do Supermarkets Determine Markup on Produce Cigarettes? Small Business Retrieved from K Lean, Michael E.J. (2015). Principles of Human Nutrition. Medicine. 43 (2): 61â€Å"65. doi:10.1016/j.mpmed.2014.11.009. L World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (2004). Vitamin and mineral requirements in human nutrition (PDF) (2. ed.). Geneva: World Health Organization. ISBN 978-9241546126. M Woody, C. (2015, August 02). Mexicos wage crisis is so bad that it violates whats stipulated in the Constitution. Retrieved from

Monday, May 18, 2020

Similarities and Differences Between the Origin of Civil...

Comparison: Jean-Jacques Rousseaus The Origin of Civil Society and Jeffersons Declaration of Independence The Origin of Civil Society, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Declaration of Independence are two important historical documents. They have many similarities. They also have many differences. Rousseaus article is an essay. It talks about his version of civilized society. Jeffersons document is a declaration of independence. In it, Jefferson talks about why the colonists are seeking freedom. Jefferson also discusses the possible need for war. Rousseau would have approved of the Declaration of Independence. In The Origin of Civil Society, Rosseua lays out his plan for a society that is free and has order. He suggests that order and freedom can go together. This was a new idea. In his article, Rousseau spends a lot of time talking about freedom. He talks about how freedom is the natural state of man. Man is free before man is touched by the state or by relationships with other men. Then he talks about how interaction among people changes this freedom. This is one of the places where Rousseaus article and Jeffersons declaration are alike, because both discuss the importance of freedom. It is also a difference because Rousseau believes this freedom is natural. Jefferson believes this freedom is a right, but does not say it is natural. Jefferson and Rousseau share a belief that men should be free. Jefferson says, We hold these truths to be self-evident, thatShow MoreRelatedJohn Lockes Influence on the Founding Fathers Essay1470 Words   |  6 Pagesin the Declaration of Independence with some minor differences in wording and order. Many of the ideas of the proper role of government, as found in the Constitution of the United States, may be discovered in the study of Locke. In order to understand the foundation of the United States, it is vital that one studies Locke. A few ideas from Hume may be found but the real influence was from Locke. 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I have never experienced the feelingRead MoreA General Comparison between the Senate of Ancient Rome and the Senate of the United States4115 Words   |  17 Pagesï » ¿ A General Comparison between the Senate of Ancient Rome and the Senate of the United States Research Class 16th August 2012 Outline I. Introduction Thesis statement: It is known to most that Western countries are on the rule of parliamentary democracy. We also know that Western countries inherited their political system from the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially the Roman political system. It has shaped western parliamentary system

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gun Control And The United States - 988 Words

Gun Control Reassessment in the United States Imagine this: you are in World History class at your high school almost falling asleep learning about Ancient China. It is a normal day for you and your classmates, until you hear an announcement from the principal. You expect the typical lockdown drill, but this situation is far from typical. A man with a gun breaks into your school. BANG! Several of your classmates are killed before this man can be controlled. You survive, but live the rest of your life thinking back to that day and wonder if you could’ve done anything differently. What you should be asking yourself is how did this crazy man get a gun? Although this situation is hypothetical, it has occurred several times in the United States. This is due to the loose gun laws of the United States. The Second Amendment protects the right for all citizens to have guns to form militias and fight against a tyrannical government. While this was built into the original constitution, it is causing many unnecessary problems in the U.S. today. Also, this definition carries little weight with militias no longer existing today. The United States should reassess gun control laws, resulting in decreased gun violence, and ultimately saving countless innocent lives. Guns are clearly a major problem in the United States today. In an article on, the author, Tanya Somander, remarks that gun violence today has killed almost 4 million people in the last decade alone (Somander).Show MoreRelatedGun Control Of The United States1698 Words   |  7 Pagesshootings that has happened throughout the Unites States has created a great divide among Americans on what should our nation do to prevent further shootings from happening. Many people believe that forcing new laws on how people purchase weapons should require background checks. Gun Control in the United States of America is a topic that has had lots of criticism and support by many citizens. The critical people of this topic believe that the guns do not kill people, it is the people that kill peopleRead MoreGun Control And The United States1569 Words   |  7 PagesIn the United States gun control is a big controversy that has been blown out of proportion the last few years. Anything th at has to do with guns in the news, reporters say it is the guns fault. Gun control laws are being changed and morphed for the new society that we live in today. What gun control really means is a group of laws to control the selling and use of guns.(1). Statistics have proven that most people want more control on guns. Many surveys have shown that the benefits of gun controlRead MoreGun Control Of The United States Essay1412 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control Proposal Gun control is a highly controversial topic in the United States. There are many people who are for gun control - people who want to have stricter laws to make it so criminals and other dangerous people can’t obtain a firearm. But, there are also the people who disagree with gun control laws and believe there should be a more lenient gun control to help people defend themselves during risky situations. Many gun control laws have been passed for many years. While many have beenRead MoreGun Control And The United States929 Words   |  4 PagesGun control has been a debated, revisited and revised issue for more than a century in the United States. Recently, after several mass shootings in the United States, gun violence issues are; yet again, renewed and in the forefront for the United States. This paper will consist of insight on gun violence in the United States and the newly imposed gun control policies by President Obama; along with, the arguments for and against the new policies and what roles both the formal and informal actorsRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1166 Words   |  5 PagesSince America’s birth, guns have played a large part in it’s society. Citizens of the United States have used firearms to protect the land they love, and their families. They even use them for engaging activities such as hunting and sport. Though firearms may seem to have a commonplace in society, weighing the rights and liberties of citizens against the safety and welfare of the public has always been a delicate process. In the United States, gun control is a of heated issue that has two sides.Read MoreGun Control And The United States1435 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control For gun control, there should be some requirements for the people to take in order to own a gun for themselves. Throughout the United States, gun control should allow people to still have guns; however, the citizens should go through some changes to ensure safety throughout the nation. Gun control has given some helpful ideals before that would help the people understand the responsibilities of their guns. They want to make sure that these laws maintain to progress as a better solutionRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1704 Words   |  7 Pagesshootings that has happened all through the Unites States has made an great divide among Americans on what ought our country do to keep further shootings from happening. Numerous individuals trust that forcing new laws on how people buy weapons should require background verifications. Gun Control in the United States of America is a topic that has had lots of criticism and support by numerous citizens. The critical people of this topic trust that the guns don t murder people, is that people kill peopleRead MoreGun Control in the United States1306 Words   |  6 Pages Gun Control in the United States has gone out of control. The United States should enforce laws to not allow any guns in a house hold in order to reduce violence and crime in the country. Reducing the rate of crime in the United States, controlling big weapons, taxing ammunition, and gun collection can help make this happen. Gun Control can make this country a safer environment to live in. Gun Control has obviously gone out of control in the recent years. Look around, they are everywhere. ReducingRead MoreGun Control Of The United States853 Words   |  4 Pagesbut also criminal sphere. Crime in the United States remains one of the main problems of the country. Every year, 6 million Americans become a victims of crime, murders occur every 24 minutes, rape occur every 5 minutes, robbery occur every 54 seconds. Life becomes dangerous and we need to be able to protect your family by yourself, your business, your property. Therefore so many people thinking about to buys guns and to have guns at home. In addition, the gun is freedom. We live in a free countryRead MoreGun Control Of The United States1101 Words   |  5 Pages Gun Control Introduction We want to study if more guns translate to greater deaths. According to Tita, over 200,000 people die every year from homicides, suicides or misfortunes relating to small firearms (2). Gun violence in the United States is on the rise since time immemorial. Therefore, the study will explain why several deaths are as a result of guns. Furthermore, it will elaborate on the reasons why people use firearms to commit homicides and suicides. The purpose of the analysis is to

Human Resource Service and Development †

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Service and Development. Answer: Literature review The change in the taste and the preferences of the consumers and the change in the requirements of the people relating to healthcare and services have resulted to the growth of organizations providing service. The growth of the multinationals requires a huge human resource that works for the benefits of the organization and helps in achieving the common goal that is being enumerated by the organization. In the present scenario, these multinationals suffer from the loss of their human resource due to a set of reasons. The nursing and the healthcare facilities in Australia chiefly faces a lower retention rate of the nurses and the employees, depending on the conditions they are being subjected to. The retention rate of the employees, the human being the resource behind the development of the organizations, is being compromised due to the factors that affect the availability of the human resource. The basis of the discussion that is being considered for this report is to understand the reasons behind the loss of the human resource in Australia. The problems that are being faced by the organizations and the business firms in Australia is based on the availability of the skilled labor, also the retention of the skilled and experienced workforce is an important aspect that affects the organizational progress. The report aims at understanding the reasons and the effects of the loss of the human resource, in the present day market. It also helps in determining the importance of the human resource in undertaking the advancements that is being planned by the organizations. The loss of the human resource is a rising issue in the present day Australian market, which is being highlighted through the report and the chief causes for the loss is being described. The skilled labor finding better options of employment based on the policies that are being framed buy the organizations and the working conditions play a major role in determining the loss of the human resource in the organizations. The Australian healthcare workforce is facing a lower retention rate of the employees based on the diversity of the healthcare issues that the professionals are required to adhere to the healthcare needs of the people. The basic outcome of this fall in the retention rate have affected the healthcare units largely, therefore the issues are submerged in one another. The important consideration that the medical practitioners must undertake is based on the designing of functions that help in meeting the healthcare requirements of the people. The report aims at understanding the problems that are being faced by the organization sin recruiting and retaining the workforce in the present day market conditions. The present day market faces the serious issues in retaining the workforce, which affects the organizational structure and results to the lower rate of the achievement of the objectives that is being set by the organization as its common goal. The evaluation of the problem and factors that leads to the issue There are certain factors that affect the retention rate of the employees in Australia. it may be due to the issues in the working conditions and the environment to which the employees are being ex[posed. It also might be due to the policies that do not facilitate the requirements of the skilled workforce (Roche et al. 2015). This section of the report concentrates on the understanding of the factors that affect the retention rate of the employees and therefore affect the human resource management of the organizations. The determining factors influence the retention rate of the employees is based on the considerations that affect the performance of the organizations at large. The factors are being discussed in this part of the assignment in order to understand the discrepancies that the employees face in the working environment leading them to resign from their jobs (Martin et al. 2012). Employee-employer relationship Communication gaps between the employee and the employer or the people involved in the management of the organization results to the gaps in the mentality of the people and effects the proper coordination (Hong et al. 2012). The employee might feel unrecognized and unappreciated, which affects the work that the employee undertakes. The major effects of the employee employer relationship results to the dissatisfaction of the employees in regard to the work they are delivering in favor of the organization. A motivational gap occurs which broadens its limits and thereby causes that employee to take a decision favoring the resignation (Belbin, Erwee and Wiesner 2012) Little hope for carrier advancements The little hope for the carrier advancements is another factor that facilitates the employees to resign from their respective posts. The resignation effects the advancements planned by the company and thereby undertake costs to undertake new recruitments. There again the company faces a lag as per the costs are involved (Jackson 2014). Moreover, the company also loses the loyalty and confidence of the old and experienced employees because of the frequent resignations, which occur. The employees may resign, as they find no scope of making advancements in their carrier. The future perspectives of the employees that they consider affect the mentality of the employees as they go out in search of better options in the market. The job-role issue The job role of the employees is also a determining factor as to the frequent resignations that are being faced by the organizations. The job role issue arises out of the discrepancies and the differences that the employee observes during their service based on their individual responsibility on the job role (Lincoln et al. 2014). The job role that was assigned to the individuals during the time of the recruitment might not be the actual job role, and therefore the employees might feel dissatisfied by the job role in order to make considerations based on their individual preferences (Martin et al. 2012). It is the sole responsibility of the human resource manager to deliver the correct information of the job role before conducting the recruitment process. Failing to undertake the effective functions by the human resource managers and the lagging communication might lead to the resignations that are being faced by the organization. Stressed environment and the excess work load The employees might resign due to the stress and the excess of the workload. In order to fulfill the targets that the company sets for achieving the general objective of the company pressure is being created on the people working under the organization. The people finding better options in the other companies resign from the existing company. The process results to the loss of the skilled workers from the company (Roche et al. 2015). Over stressing on the people in order to serve, the purpose of making the inputs as per the requirements of the company makes the people to lose motivation. Lack of proper training At times, the organization must review on the tutorials and undertake certain training activities in order to rejuvenate the job role to the employees. A proper rejuvenation and revision of the job role to the employees helps them to work effectively and remain responsible to their job role (Hong et al. 2012). On the other hand, the new employees that the company recruits must also undergo a proper training session in order to make them aware of the job role and the responsibilities that they are required to undertake on the work. The expectations of the company depend on the efficient and integrated working of the workforce. Moreover, the miscommunications in the training sessions and the issues relating to the execution of the job role results to the resignation from the side of the employees due to the job satisfaction (Shacklock et al. 2014). The liability of the human resource management Human resource management plays a major role in controlling and retaining the resignations that come from the side of the employees. Undertaking ways to recruit the right person for the right job and proving an effective training session helps in retaining the workforce of the organizations (Shacklock and Brunetto 2012). The involvement of the human resource in maintaining the equilibrium of the recruitment and retaining the experienced workforce can be enumerated through the different functions that can be taken by the HR of the organizations. The organizations lose their progress through the significant loss of their workforce and therefore the processes must be undertaken by the HR of the organizations in order to make it a point as to retain the value of the resource, which affects the progress of the organization (Brunetto et al. 2013). The job satisfaction is another important factor that affects the mentality of the people and results to the transition. The different structure that the company follows in the recruitment of the employees is another important factor that supports the resignation of the employees (Hong et al. 2012). Conclusion Therefore, from the above analysis it can be understood that there are significant issues that affect the availability and retention of the experienced workforce. The experienced workforce helps in undertaking the organizational progress and meets the common goal that is being set by every organization. Losing the human resource is like a significant loss of the resources. The issues that are being discussed in the above analysis states the conditions through which the employees get demoralized and thereby take decisions for the change. The Australian workforce is being reported to resign from their posts frequently in order to make sure that their interests are fulfilled through the job role they are into. The report also discusses the steps that the HR of the company must undertake in order to retain the workforce and thereby facilitate the gradual progress of the organizations. The different measures undertaken by the HR of the organizations helps in ensuring the retention of the employees, thus facilitating the improvement in the structure of the organization. The retention of the old and experienced employees helps in determining the advancements and ensures the loyalty on which the organizations can rely on. References Belbin, C., Erwee, R. and Wiesner, R., 2012. Employee perceptions of workforce retention strategies in a health system.Journal of Management Organization,18(5), pp.742-760. Brunetto, Y., Xerri, M., Shriberg, A., Farr?Wharton, R., Shacklock, K., Newman, S. and Dienger, J., 2013. The impact of workplace relationships on engagement, well?being, commitment and turnover for nurses in Australia and the USA.Journal of Advanced Nursing,69(12), pp.2786-2799. Bragg, S. and Bonner, A. (2015). Losing the rural nursing workforce: Lessons learnt from resigning nurses.Aust J Rural Health, [online] pp.366-370. Available at: [Accessed 23 Oct. 2017]. Francis, K., Badger, A., McLeod, M., FitzGerald, M., Brown, A. and Staines, C. (2016). Strengthening nursing and midwifery capacity in rural New South Wales, Australia.Collegian, pp.363-366. Hong, E.N.C., Hao, L.Z., Kumar, R., Ramendran, C. and Kadiresan, V., 2012. An effectiveness of human resource management practices on employee retention in institute of higher learning: A regression analysis.International journal of business research and management,3(2), pp.60-79. Jackson, D., 2014. Factors influencing job attainment in recent Bachelor graduates: evidence from Australia.Higher Education,68(1), pp.135-153. Lincoln, M., Gallego, G., Dew, A., Bulkeley, K., Veitch, C., Bundy, A., Brentnall, J., Chedid, R.J. and Griffiths, S., 2014. Recruitment and retention of allied health professionals in the disability sector in rural and remote New South Wales, Australia.Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,39(1), pp.86-97. Martin, J.E., Sinclair, R.R., Lelchook, A.M., Wittmer, J.L. and Charles, K.E., 2012. Non?standard work schedules and retention in the entry?level hourly workforce.Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,85(1), pp.1-22. Roche, M.A., Duffield, C.M., Homer, C., Buchan, J. and Dimitrelis, S., 2015. The rate and cost of nurse turnover in Australia.Collegian,22(4), pp.353-358. Ryan, C. and Watson, L. (2006). Why does Year Twelve retention differ between Australian states and territories?.Australian Journal of Education, 50, pp.203-219. Shacklock, K. and Brunetto, Y., 2012. The intention to continue nursing: work variables affecting three nurse generations in Australia.Journal of Advanced Nursing,68(1), pp.36-46. Shacklock, K., Brunetto, Y., Teo, S. and Farr?Wharton, R., 2014. The role of support antecedents in nurses' intentions to quit: the case of Australia.Journal of advanced nursing,70(4), pp.811-822.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Write An Academic Paper Using A Narrative Essay Example PDF

Write An Academic Paper Using A Narrative Essay Example PDFIn case you have a common goal in writing your own academic essay or you are planning to write your first one, then you should start writing with a narrative essay example PDF. This document will prove very helpful for you to write an academic essay in a better way. When you are looking for ideas to use in writing an academic paper, the narrative format is very helpful for you as it can help you write the essay as a whole.Academic essays are written in a specific format. The structure of a piece of paper is very important and narrative structure can help you in its structure. Your words should be connected and written as a whole piece of paper. By writing the narrative part, you can add a different look to your writing as you can add and change details to fit in a certain topic.Another thing that you should remember when writing an essay is to know the subject matter first before putting any of your thoughts in it. You can wr ite the story first and then put all your knowledge and ideas in it so that you can complete the essay well. By doing this, you can avoid problems in the essay because you can only reveal information that you know.Another thing that you can do when you want to write an essay using the narrative style is to read the book that you are going to write based on the particular topic. This can help you in analyzing what the story is based on. You can also find details and comments about this book online.This technique of reading the book can help you a lot because you can compare the story with the words in the book and you can determine if they are similar or not. The structure of the story will also help you in writing your essay. All these techniques can help you a lot in writing an academic paper in a better way.To write an academic paper using the narrative style, you need to first get hold of an example PDF that has an outline that you can use for your paper. The outline will tell yo u the general structure of the paper. The same document should also contain data that you can use in analyzing the work.The data that you can use will help you in analyzing the work so that you can know what you have to do to make the essay a success. You can add and change details to fit in the topic but in a way that the story is connected to the paper. Also, you can keep the language simple but a little bit creative.For writing an academic paper that will be worth reading, you need to get hold of an example PDF. This format will help you in writing a good academic paper. It can also be used in editing the paper.

Monday, April 6, 2020

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Thursday, March 12, 2020

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Friday, February 7, 2020

Some of the Advantages of Taking Online Coursework

Some of the Advantages of Taking Online CourseworkThe lessons and concepts you learn from a coursework online course can help you succeed in the business world. If you enjoy learning and sharing ideas, you might also like the way online courses help you save time, energy and money.Online courses do not require any student to be present in the classroom. While there are many benefits to taking an online course, there are a few drawbacks.One of the main things you can expect with online courses is that you will be working at your own pace. It is recommended that you work at your own pace but a few students report that the course materials do not allow them to complete the course in the time allotted. The project should be built in an outline but the assignments should not be too complex. Other students find that they are able to complete the assignments much quicker when they use the online resources.Many online course work well because of the online concept. You do not have to be in t he same location as the class. There are always several ways to study the online materials. You can study on your own time, depending on the instructor, you can send emails to the professor for assignments, you can chat with other students and you can check the coursework online.Your coursework online can also be done using a library, the internet and other resources. Some teachers also encourage students to complete the coursework online because of the time commitment it requires. You may work a few assignments at a time or you may be able to complete the coursework at home. The different courses are mostly designed to do one thing and then they stop.You do not have to have a complete understanding of any part of the course or the online coursework. Most instructors allow you to explore the concepts before the coursework material is discussed in class. Some students find that they can complete the coursework online but may not understand the material that was covered in class. Some students find that the online materials do not cover all the areas of the course.It is usually up to the student to decide whether a coursework online program is right for them. If you are open to trying a new method of learning then a coursework online can be the right choice for you.